Bonnie Shell's Life Stories

What advice would you give your 20 year old self?

Looking back on my life, I don’t think I would do anything different. I had a very full and fun life in my twenties. I was not anxious to get married. Maybe I would have gotten married before 35, but I didn’t meet a man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I probably would have had more children, because I love children.

I loved to travel and I did a lot of that. Among my travels, I went to California, Hawaii, Bermuda, Mexico, Arizona, Las Vegas, and twice to New York.

I did activities that I enjoyed. I loved to dance, and had friends to go with. I sang with the Sweet Adelines and another barbershop group called the Pitch Pipers. I bowled in the winter and golfed in the summer.

My parents had a summer cottage in Wisconsin, and my friend Marge and I spent many summer weekends there.

My advice would be - Do the things you enjoy.

Don’t get married too young.

Marry a man who is committed to you and not to all his activities.

Work hard, and you will advance in your job.

Have the courage to speak up for yourself.

Be careful who you trust.

Stay close to your family.

Manage the family money. Be frugal but not stingy.