Bonnie Shell's Life Stories

Do you have a dream you haven't achieved yet? Will you keep trying?

I was never much of a dreamer. I'm more of a reality person. If I want something, I work hard and get what I want. In other stories, I talk about my memorable times in Wisconsin. At one point in my life, I was able to buy two lots in Edgerton, Wisconsin. This was when I decided to build my "dream" house someday.

In 1975 I started to date John. We decided to get married, and seeing that we both liked country living, we made plans to live our married life in Wisconsin. We worked hard and lived very frugally for two years, and in November 1977, we bought house plans, got a builder, and started building our "dream house."

John was lucky to find a job in Madison and started working in January 1978. He lived with my parents until our house was finished. I stayed in Chicago because we had a lease on our apartment until May 1st, and I had a job. We took turns seeing each other on weekends.

The fact that I owned my own business was not a dream; it just happened.

If you can call it a dream, I think I might write a book someday.

I have done a lot of traveling in my life and thought I would like to go to Australia and Japan one day. I don't see that happening anymore. My "dream" for the future is to live the rest of my life happy and healthy and enjoy the success and love of my son and granddaughter.