Bonnie Shell's Life Stories

What do people get wrong about you?

This is a tricky question. I'm a quiet and private person. I have many friends, but most of them are similar in values. I don't open up to strangers about my private life, so some people might think I am stuck. I have to know people for a while before I consider them friends (or not).

One of my oldest friends, Barbara, and I have been friends since high school. I knew nothing about Barb but decided I didn't like her. She was really cute, with a little turned-up nose. The brother of our mutual friend, Mary, got three tickets for a Pat Boone concert and gave them to his sister. Mary asked me if I would like to go, and of course, I said "Yes." She then informed me that Barb was coming too. I didn't think I would have a good time, but we had a ball, and I liked Barbara.

Many years later Barbara told me that she was disappointed that I was going to the concert because she didn't like me. She thought because I was a good student that I thought I was better than others. I confessed the feelings I had about her, and we both had a good laugh. We haven't seen each other in some time, but we keep in touch on the phone and Christmas cards.

This experience taught me not to judge people by their looks. Years later, I got a new job, and the man who was my boss was very bald (before it became fashionable) and had a big scar across his nose. However, he turned out to be one of the nicest men I have ever worked for and was instrumental in helping me advance my career. I also learned through the years that people's personalities shine through, and looks can be affected by their kindness or their not-so-good traits.

I like many people at this age, and if they don't like me, too bad!