Bonnie Shell's Life Stories

What is one trait you would most like to improve in yourself?

The one thing I would like to improve in myself is that I would like to be more physically fit. Since I have been taking care of my husband, who has Alzheimer's, I have not had time for exercising. We used to walk one and three-quarters miles several times a week. I took an exercise class three times a week at the local hospital. I quit that mainly because the class got too big, and the ladies got too nosy. I went to exercise not to tell people about my business.

I thought I might go back, but then the pandemic came along. Now I am too tired to exercise because I don't sleep much at night.

When I was a single young woman, I used to go polka dancing at least three nights a week. I also bowled in the winter and golfed in the summer. It was great. When I married, my husband was uninterested in doing these things with me, so I became a homebody.

Soon, I plan to use the treadmill again and finally exercise with some senior exercise videos I bought.

I hope I can become more spry and agile. I'm not ready for old age.