Bonnie Shell's Life Stories

What are your favorite books?

I like to read, and my favorite books are stories about people and mysteries. Many years ago, my sister sent me a book by Maeve Binchy. Her stories are mostly set in Ireland. I enjoyed that book so much that I have now read all the books and short stories she has written. Unfortunately, Maeve passed away a few years ago, but her husband has been going through some of the short stories and magazine articles she wrote and publishing them in book format. I keep my eyes open for some new books by her.

Another author I enjoy is Sara Peretsky. Her stories are mysteries set in Chicago, and since I am from Chicago, it's fun to visualize the area where a crime is being committed. Other authors I like are Anne Perry, Mary Higgins Clark, and Robin Pilcher.

One of the last books my sister and I read was The Lilac Girls. It is a true story about girls in a Nazi Concentration Camp. Sometimes, their story was so sad and scary that I had to put it down for a while.

I am almost finished reading George W. Bush's book Out of Many, One. I like this book because it has one-page stories about very interesting people.

I also like going through cookbooks. I like to cook and am always looking for something new and different.

My sister also likes to read, so we trade books and have more things to discuss. Not that we ever have a loss for words.