Bonnie Shell's Life Stories

What do you think is the meaning of life?

The meaning of life is such a complicated question. I think the meaning of life is different for most people. For me, it means that God put me on this earth to be the best person I can be. I hope I have not disappointed Him.

I have tried to be the best daughter I could be. I always respected my parents and obeyed their rules. When my dad had a stroke, I helped my mom as much as I could by staying with my dad so she could go shopping or go to a senior citizen luncheon once in a while. After my dad died, we had my mom over for dinner every night and took her shopping and to church. When at the age of 94, my mom had a heart attack, and we invited her to live with us. She accepted and lived with us for two years until she passed away.

I worked to be a good wife and mother. I showed my love by making sure everyone had what they needed. I supported them in their activities and taught them to be kind to others. I cooked good meals, kept the house clean, and always opened our door to friends and friends of our children. I never knew how many kids were getting off the school bus. Needless to say, we never had leftovers.

I strived to be a good Catholic. I attended church every Sunday, prayed often, sang in the choir, and taught religious education for 17 years.

I had a lot of friends. I was sometimes a shoulder to cry on, but most of all, I was there for many happy occasions. A few times, I did get taken advantage of. I never helped anyone financially but was always willing to listen and soothe their worries.

For me, this was the meaning of life, and I hope I did a good job.